What would you suggest is the best way to handle lone walks through poorly lit areas?

If possible, try to walk with a friend or in a group when traveling through poorly lit areas or during late night and early morning hours. However, if you have no other option and are walking alone, there are things you can do to protect yourself.

There are numerous police assistance phones located at outdoor locations throughout the campus; they have blue lights above them for easy identification. These phones should be used to report suspicious activity, crimes in progress, or any emergency. An HUPD dispatcher will identify the location of the phone being used, and will dispatch police and other security personnel as necessary.

In addition, University Centrex phones (gray), placed at outdoor locations, can be used to contact the HUPD at 617-495-1212. Also, we strongly encourage community members to enter the HUPD’s urgent line (617-495-1212) into their phone.

To review the locations of BlueLight phones on campus, please review Harvard’s Campus Map.